These could eas- take stock of the extent to which fundamental ily undermine the safeguards established by rights, civic space and the rule of law will be the AI Act, further eroding the fundamental safeguarded and provide an analysis of key AI rights and rule of law standards in the long Act provisions. [...] We also call on the European The AI Act also fails to ban some uses of AI Commission and other bodies responsible for advocated for by civil society, even when they the implementation and enforcement of the have already been found to violate human dig- AI Act to proactively facilitate civil society nity, freedom, equality, democracy, the rule of participation and to prioritise diverse voices law o. [...] ticipate in the implementation and monitoring of the AI Act will be through membership in The EU has also set a worrying precedent the advisory forum to the newly established regionally and globally. [...] The former will be final text of the AI Act tipped the scales for set up within the European Commission to including a similarly broad and unjustified contribute to the implementation, monitoring exemption for national security in the recently and supervision of the AI Act, while the latter finalised Council of Europe Convention on will gather representatives of national super- AI. [...] In the absence of clear guidelines on how civil society input should be included ahead of the drafting of EU laws and policies, the framework proposed by the European Commission to address the wide- spread impact of AI technologies on society and fundamental rights was flawed.
- Pages
- 11
- Published in
- Germany