cover image: Bulletin Governance Dimensions of the Climate Change Adaptation Discourse - Exploring Some Policy Action


Bulletin Governance Dimensions of the Climate Change Adaptation Discourse - Exploring Some Policy Action

2 Jan 2024

In response to this lacuna this by teasing-out a The Status of the Namibian Defence 37 number of policy-action centred on the governance dimensions of the climate Force Capabilities in Securing the Maritime Domain: The Case Study of the Extended change adaptation discourse in the Eastern Africa sub-region. [...] The governance dimensions include Research Objectives the establishment of adaptation goals and targets, the development of nationally determined contributions The broad objective of this paper is to examine the (NDCs), and the mobilization of financial resources to interplay between governance, discourse, complexities, and policy options in climate change adaptation efforts in Eastern Africa. [...] First, due to the absence of a clear definition Challenges and a lack of systematic framework for assessing loss and The establishment of the loss and damage fund damage, obtaining a reliable estimate of the expenses was conceivably one of the key outcomes of the UN required to tackle these consequences, let alone reducing Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s or preventing them, becom. [...] The significance of the 60th anniversary extends beyond a mere reflection From the inception of diplomatic ties between China on the past; it stands as evidence of the robust and and Kenya since 1963, the collaboration between these adaptable nature of a diplomatic relationship that has two nations has transcended traditional boundaries, successfully weathered the passage of time. [...] Atwood Jomo Kenyatta’s Era 1963-1978 (1967) illustrates the intensity of the competition to win Kenya’s allegiance, with the Soviet Union and China At the time of independence, the relationship between launching a combined diplomatic offensive against the China and Kenya was friendly, despite the ideological USA.
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