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UUSC Justice Sunday 2024 - Sample Worship Service 1

6 Mar 2024

Deanna is affiliated with the Church of the Larger Fellowship UU as a community Minister of Love and We may not know or agree about what lies beyond Liberation and is the founder of Ever Unfolding LLC, this life, but it’s our conviction that our actions– and a ministry of spiritual accompaniment and creativity our inactions – have consequences for the web of all for people, congregations, and orga. [...] as co-director of the Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal (CELSJR) and as a community How are we relating to our neighbors, friends? minister for the Greater New Orleans Unitarian Universalists (GNOUU), the UU cluster who ordained As a people of faith, we are called to a love that is her in 2012. [...] With an Undoing Racism™ analysis rooted in the work of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, an As a faithful collective, we are called to offer sanctuary, Experiential Education and Leadership practicum refuge, and comfort to everyone afflicted by the systems with Tulane University’s Center for Public Service, and of oppression in this world. [...] It makes a difference in the quality of this world when people with access to privilege and power give voice to a vision of collective liberation and name the obstacles, within and without, that limit us. [...] crises – the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic aftershocks; the constant barrage of climate-induced Rachel has spent her career working with catastrophes such as fires, floods, and storms; and the communities organizing in the face of ongoing impacts of systemic poverty and racialized corporate capture, government inaction, and capitalism.
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United States of America