cover image: March 2024 FACTSHEET: - Workforce Standards for an Equitable Economy


March 2024 FACTSHEET: - Workforce Standards for an Equitable Economy

25 Mar 2024

● Labor peace agreements for operations, service, and manufacturing jobs and project labor agreements for construction are the most critical tools for leveraging fair market competition and unionization. [...] ● Contract and enforcement language that ensures transparency and accountability for California jobs, wages, and training commitments.7 Baseline workforce standards These standards set mandatory criteria for firms to access state funds or participate in state programs. [...] job quality, ● Project labor agreements and community workforce agreements for construction and job projects to ensure that skilled workers are hired, projects are delivered on time, and workers have access to long-term career pathways and quality jobs. [...] UC Berkeley Labor Center • Factsheet: Workforce Standards for an Equitable Economy • page 2 Baseline workforce standards (continued) Training, ● Implement hiring, training, retention, and career development for disadvantaged and dislocated workers, including women, people of color, workers from local apprenticeships, and low-income communities, workers impacted by fossil fuel transition, and caree. [...] Legal ● Limit funding to businesses with a strong track record of compliance with local, state, and federal labor and employment, health and safety, and environmental compliance laws.


Sam Appel; Jessie HF Hammerling

Published in
United States of America