cover image: What the Global Biodiversity Framework says about agriculture


What the Global Biodiversity Framework says about agriculture

8 Apr 2024

No doubt a historic The bad achievement for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, but is the framework really fit for Unfortunately, the specifications of biodiversity- purpose? friendly practices mentioned in Target 10 also suggest the use of sustainable intensification and, vaguely put, Here, we take a closer look at the targets in the “other innovative approaches”. [...] Proponents The good have called for a broad set of practices and techniques, which compromise biodiversity and the well-being of Addressing the effects of agriculture on biodiversity, surrounding ecosystems for the sake of productivity Target 10 of the Framework ensures that “agriculture, and lack consideration for their impacts on people and aquaculture, fisheries and forestry are managed communi. [...] that there are enough resources to feed the world’s The Framework aims to reduce the risks and impact population now and in 2050, if we first redistribute of pollution by 2030, “to levels not harmful to food and reduce loss and waste, rather than increase biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services”. [...] Listing agroecology as an “innovative approach” alongside biotech solutions Using the GBF to win battles rather than the important ecologically at the national and local level and socially sound alternatives to industrial agriculture could open the term Resisting the biotech and agribusiness industry up to cooptation by powerful corporate remains an uphill battle. [...] The missing Before the start of the GBF process, the IPBES global assessment report warned that agriculture was the main culprit for biodiversity loss and that real transformative change would need to happen in this sector in order to prevent biodiversity collapse.
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