cover image: What the Global Biodiversity Framework says about Indigenous peoples’ rights


What the Global Biodiversity Framework says about Indigenous peoples’ rights

8 Apr 2024

Target 1 on Here, we take a closer look at the targets in the GBF, spatial planning, for example, a practice that has and what they mean for the rights of Indigenous historically overruled the interests of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) - what’s Peoples and local communities, now includes specific good, what’s bad, what’s missing, and how can mention of respecting their rights. [...] movements and NGOs use it? The good Women and girls The Framework’s implementation must follow a The GBF also calls for ensuring gender human rights-based approach, respecting, protecting, equality and empowerment of women promoting and fulfilling human rights while acknowledging and girls while reducing inequalities the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable throughout the implementation. [...] decision-making related to biodiversity The rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities over their territories, being critical to the conservation of biodiversity and forests, have also finally been Mixed feelings expressly acknowledged in Target 22 and Target 3, even though other aspects of the latter target lead to Target 3 aims to convert 30% of the world into mixed feelings. [...] This is especially concerning should press hard for the full implementation of their given the vast amount of corporate violations of participation rights (as ensured in Target 22) - and human rights and the environment. [...] Using the GBF to win battles at the national and local level Human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities continue to be repeatedly violated.
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