OSW Report | Between hope and illusion. Germany's migration policy.


OSW Report | Between hope and illusion. Germany's migration policy.

22 Mar 2024

The failure of the SPD–Green–FDP coalition’s asylum policy will influence the outcome of the elections to the Bundestag in 2025, and will once again strengthen the extremist parties. [...] The distrust of the authorities and the conflicts are intensified as public utility facilities, such as sports halls and schools, are rented to immigrants or transformed into migrant and refugee shelters.8 The magnitude of the crisis is evidenced by the fact that the initiators of demonstrations and appeals to curb migration often include local representatives of the SPD and the Greens, that is th. [...] Another element of this pressure involves the con- sistent failures of the ruling parties in the elections to several Landtags, as well as the growing popularity of the AfD, which mainly results from their criticism of the state’s migration policy.25 However, a dispute has been ongoing within the government over the scope of the planned restrictions. [...] While for the SPD and the FDP limiting the number of immigrants arriving in Germany is a prag- matic necessity which their own electorates favour, the Greens view this as an issue of major importance for the party’s identity, and argue that curbing the inflow of foreigners could undermine one of the party’s basic principles – and not for the first time in this parliamentary term, following the shi. [...] Do these obligations involve providing security to the state’s citizens in the first place, or to an abstract community of vulnerable individ- uals (while the list of threats they are exposed to is constantly increasing)? The lack of a clear answer and the government’s reluctance to use all the means legally available to it to protect the public are hindering the implementation of major changes in.


Kamil Frymark; Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich

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