cover image: Talking Post-Truth: Elite Rhetoric on Democracy in Pakistan - Anam Kuraishi


Talking Post-Truth: Elite Rhetoric on Democracy in Pakistan - Anam Kuraishi

26 Mar 2024

5 Within the citizens’ positionality, the focus is on analysing how the rhetorical attributes and the rhetorical context invoke a sense of belonging to the aspirational desire and a sense of yearning for the fulfilment of the desire within the narrative. [...] Amid growing protests against the re-election of Musharraf, the dismissal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the continued interference of the military in the political domain, democratic attempts in 2008 took place. [...] The means to capture the desire lies with the restoration of civilian rule and the freedom of the judiciary: Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif will return with the power of the people of this country (Re- port, 2007)[D]. [...] The references to a judicial crisis, the suspension of the Constitution, and the promulgation of an emergency rule are indicators of the perils of military interference impacting political, social and media freedom in the country. [...] The rhetoric of accountability and the rule of law formed the crux of the rhetoric of change.
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