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If not now-- when?

12 Dec 2011

Addressing the Ongoing inuit housing Crisis in Canada, part of the publica- tion series “Health and Housing Realities for Inuit” produced by Inuit tuttarvingat of the National aboriginal Health organization (NaHo).1 the paper is based on a literature review designed to highlight the critical relationships between housing and health for Inuit. [...] Inuit in Canada are burdened with the highest hos- pitalization rates of children with severe lower respiratory tract infections in the world; with one of the highest rates of infectious diseases, such as infantile bron- chiolitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis, in the developed world; suffer an infant mortality rate three times that of the rest of Canada; and live with the highest lev- els of resid [...] In 2009, the government of Canada recognized the unique housing needs in the arctic, calling for “Northerners to have access to the housing they need to participate in the growing opportunities in the North” (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2009a). [...] Nain, Nunatsiavut Housing, rather than being the safe haven and source of security that it is for the majority of Canadians, is clearly one of the biggest barriers to health and well-being for Inuit, as well as a significant challenge to economic development in the Inuit Nunangat. [...] With the majority of Canadians living in the most south- ern regions of Canada, Inuit have found it challenging to inform the general public about the realities of life in Inuit Nunangat.
health environment economics air pollution indoor air quality drinking water water housing media canada cancer culture inuit medicine pneumonia social sciences homelessness disease socioeconomic factors asthma social determinants of health society canadian indian residential school system shelter wellness homeless shelter inuits second-hand smoke housing and health tb


Knötsch, Carol Cathleen

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