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22 Mar 2024

Research Design and Methodology The initiation of the study was based on a predetermined research schema to investigate the foundations of sustainable recovery and exceptional performance of the case companies in the face of economic adversity. [...] The rationale for applying the NPS is to extract and identify the most influential initiatives from the nine management initiatives documented in the case studies and correlate them with similar cases. [...] Scope of Work The scope of the research assignment included • reviewing the economic growth of the country in recent years and assessing the impact of the pandemic; • identifying the top SME sectors in the country that contributed to the country’s GDP in recent years; • identifying 2–3 service/manufacturing-sector SMEs that showed high growth during recent years (for showcasing their case studies). [...] STRATEGIES FOR ENSURING BUSINESS CONTINUITY OF SMEs IN APO DEVELOPING ECONOMIES | 19 INDIA Subsequent to the review of the quantitative and qualitative data provided by the three SMEs, a questionnaire was prepared in line with the hypothesis made at the inception of the study and all the three SMEs were requested to respond to the structured questionnaire. [...] India’s economic recovery from the pandemic is complete and the economy is expected to grow in the range of 6% to 6.8% in the financial year 2023–24.
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