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1 Apr 2024

Net farm income Purchasing power parity (in rupiahs)/units of labor used Risk mitigation mechanism Volume of output access to credit and insurance Prevalence of soil degradation Volume of output/area of degraded soil Variation in water availability Volume of output/water used Management of fertilizers Volume of output/ecofriendly fertilizer usage Management of pesticides Volume of output/ecofriend. [...] The statistics on TFP and other productivity indicators estimated by the USDA [155] have been used in studies like Takeshima, et al [150] to assess the level of agricultural transformation (including the relative growth of land productivity and labor productivity) in south Asia. [...] The details of major and minor nutrients and recommended doses of fertilizers for the main crops have been mentioned on the Soil Health Card for the consideration of farmers [137–140]. [...] The assessment of the linkage between policies/decisions and productivity identifies the effects of macro-level policies or public investments on agricultural productivity and the development of the decision-support system at micro-entity levels. [...] Based on the management of pesticide use, 98.5% of the agricultural land was categorized as sustainable land, comprising 36% in the “desirable” category and 62% in the “acceptable” category.
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