cover image: Big Progress in Reducing RETAIL - FOOD WASTE


Big Progress in Reducing RETAIL - FOOD WASTE

3 Apr 2024

In 2022, the average unsold food rate in As such, the data outlined in this report is the regional grocery stores was 3.2%, which was best-in-class dataset for tracking progress and a decrease from an unsold food rate of 3.8% benchmarking in the retail industry for food loss in 2021 (see Chart 2).1 This translated to a total and waste reduction initiatives. [...] As always, the unsold food rate should be analyzed in conjunction with the total tons unsold and the value of that department with a lower unsold food rate may unsold food, as shown in Chart 8. [...] Promising trends Chart 11 over time include a 20% decrease in the percent Regional Tons of Unsold Food to Each of unsold food going to Unknown Destination, a Destination in 2022 (in Thousands) 28% increase in the percent of unsold food getting Donations (15.5%) 88.7 Composted, and a 20% increase in the percent Animal Feed of unsold food going to Donations (Chart 10). [...] Destination tons in 2022 highlights the complexity and evolving nature of tracking unsold food, Note that it is likely that the destinations of underscoring the importance of continual unsold food in this region skew towards rescue improvement in measurement practices to ensure and recycling solutions due to the progressive accuracy and the effective targeting of food waste organics management pol. [...] The PCFWC Calculator model At the heart of the PCFWC's mission is the operates under the assumption that untracked conviction that robust data collection is food waste, shown in the unsold food categorized indispensable for any successful food waste in the Unknown Destination, is destined for reduction strategy.
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United States of America