cover image: POLICY BRIEF - Bridging the data divide: Empowering Africa’s SMEs to leverage data for


POLICY BRIEF - Bridging the data divide: Empowering Africa’s SMEs to leverage data for

23 Apr 2024

● Knowledge and skills gap: Inadequate data literacy and awareness hinder the ability to harness data effectively, limiting the potential for innovation and progress. [...] ● Strengthen data infrastructure: Develop sufficient data centres and promote cloud computing to ensure secure data storage, sharing, and collaboration. [...] ● Data security and privacy: Simplify regulatory frameworks and provide incentives to promote responsible and ethical data management and encourage sustainable practices. [...] ● Cultivate data skills: SMEs must equip themselves and empower their workforce with the necessary data knowledge and skills for data analysis, interpretation, and visualisation, through training programs and collaborations with educational institutions. [...] ● Encourage data quality initiatives: SMEs can invest in solutions that enable data cleansing and data validation to address issues regarding data quality.


John Chidera Victor

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