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Pathways to deep decarbonization in Canada /

16 Sep 2015

Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP), an initiative of the Sustainable Develop- ment Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), aims to demonstrate how countries can transform their energy systems by 2050 in order to achieve a low-carbon economy and significantly reduce the global ris [...] The policy package To achieve deep GHG reductions, the decarbonization pathway we simulate includes regu- lations that strengthen existing policies for buildings and transport sectors, a cap and trade system to drive abatement in heavy industry, and finally a complementary carbon price on the rest of the economy that returns revenues to reduced income and corporate taxes. [...] Ongoing en- fuel switching and changes to emissions in other ergy-efficient regulations dampen the transport sectors of the economy, such as buildings and emissions rebound as the fuel economy of the industry. [...] On the other hand, if In this section, we look at the policy required to strong policy is implemented soon, innovation achieve the 1.7 tonnes per capita DDPC benchmark, of currently unknown technology is almost deconstruct the emission pathways and provide an guaranteed to occur, making meeting the overview of the scale of the investment needed. [...] Figure 7 pro- Below, we summarize the activities that contrib- vides an overview of the emission trajectory ute to the 78 Mt of remaining GHGs in 2050 in from the 2050 forecast to the 2050 DDPC the DDPC scenario.
innovation environment climate change economics air pollution renewable energy coal ccs ghgs water electricity generation natural gas climate change mitigation biomass natural resources chemicals greenhouse gas mitigation prices social sciences transport biofuel fuel carbon capture and storage oil and gas ghg artificial objects efficient energy use emission intensity decarbonization


Bataille, Chris, Melton, Noel, Sawyer, David

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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