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Avoiding the precipice

7 May 2014

Added socio-demographic and health characteristics of the to this is a lack of a strong social Link participants and the Comparison Group, program outcomes, and participant outcomes based on the network and in particular the first round of interview data (i.e., “Time 1” data), was presence of a stable, caring adult. [...] The primary means envisioned support since aging out of care; in the project proposal was for Aunt Leah’s staff to ■■ satisfaction with the Link (including perceived review their case files and invite former Support accessibility, what youth liked best and did not Link program participants who had not transitioned like about the program, and suggestions for to the Link program to take part in an i [...] An Evaluation of Aunt Leah’s Link Program in Supporting Youth from Foster Care 5 Retention rate other professional staff, and these staff could do no more than pass the request along providing The evaluation was able to re-engage the majority they still had contact with the youth; one youth of both the Link participants and the Comparison provided email contact information only and there Group. [...] The challenges Both the Link and the Comparison group associated with creating a Comparison Group were informants were diverse in terms of ethnic/ that many of the youth who had aged out of care cultural background, however the Link participant and Support Link either had become involved with group had a higher percentage of (self-identified) the Link and therefore were not eligible for the Aborig [...] In view of the need to keep foster care who had aged out without currently within the overall timeframe of the project, the receiving support services; instead, the majority extra time required to assemble the participant were youth from care who were extremely groups meant that the interval between Time vulnerable/high-need and had been or were at 1 and Time 2 data collection needed to be very hi
health youth food child care psychology evaluation accessibility childcare child welfare culture foster home care child protection child homelessness best practice community affordable housing society supportive housing foster children substance use supported housing covenant house aging out


Rutman, Deborah, Hubberstey, Carol, Hume, Sharon

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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