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Efficacy of Farabloc and equivalent electromagnetic shielding liners for phantom limb pain and other painful conditions /

2 Dec 2013

For fibromyalgia and DOMS, short- term minimal clinically important effects are documented, however the number of studies is small, and the proportion of information from studies at high risk of bias is sufficient to affect the interpretation of the results. [...] That review was based on a search of MEDLINE exclusively, which in turn uncovered only one randomized controlled trial of Farabloc.14 Farabloc and equivalent electromagnetic shielding for phantom limb and other types of pain 2 Objective The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the efficacy of Farabloc using multiple databases in addition to MEDLINE. [...] Effects were also compared by risk of bias level (low versus unclear or high) as justified by previous literature on the association between risk of bias and the magnitude of treatment effects.19 Farabloc and equivalent electromagnetic shielding for phantom limb and other types of pain 8 Results Description of studies Results of the search Our initial search identified 115 citations that were asso [...] However, one parallel trial of Farabloc for chronic PLP adequately addressed four of the domains and was the highest quality study in this entire review.20 Farabloc and equivalent electromagnetic shielding for phantom limb and other types of pain 11 Allocation (selection bias) None of the trials in this review explicitly described a method that was used to generate the sequence of allocation. [...] Given its flawed nature, it is conceivable that the final analysis was not the one that was originally planned from the outset of the study, in which case, the possibility of bias due to post hoc analysis of the data had to be considered.23 Other trials did not quantitatively describe the results of analyses of potentially important secondary outcomes, such as the use of co-interventions.
health education school science and technology research medical research medicine health care medical specialisation therapy amputation clinical trial systematic review health treatment health sciences experiment randomized chiropractic chronic pain prosthesis pain relief allocation concealment blinded experiment fibromyalgia side-effects phantom pain phantom limb


Quon, Jeffrey A, Noertjojo, Kukuh, Fedder, Pauline G

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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