cover image: The Medicaid Coverage Gap in Mississippi - Who Is in the Coverage Gap in Mississippi? - Race and Ethnicity


The Medicaid Coverage Gap in Mississippi - Who Is in the Coverage Gap in Mississippi? - Race and Ethnicity

3 Apr 2024

2024 Mississippi The Medicaid Coverage Gap in Mississippi Nationwide, over 1.6 million adults fall into the Medicaid coverage gap, lacking any aordable health coverage option — their income is too high to qualify for their state’s Medicaid program but too low to qualify for financial assistance in the Aordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. [...] To qualify Mississippi eligibility (percent of for Medicaid in Mississippi, parents must earn less than 28 poverty level) percent of the federal poverty level (or less than $7,230 for a 28% family of three annually).* Adults without dependent children Medicaid expansion0% eligibility are not eligible for Medicaid at all. [...] Parents Childless adults Who Is in the Coverage Gap in Mississippi? Race and Ethnicity Age and Sex Other 6% 50-6422% Male 35-49 54% White 29% 62% are 38% people Black of color 19-3456% Female49% 46% Age Sex Work and Family Industry 55 percent of people in the coverage gap are in families Many work in jobs that are crucial to the state’s economy with at least one worker, and 26 percent are parents. [...] Reducing racial and ethnic disparities • People of color make up 65 percent of the coverage gap population nationwide and 62 percent in Mississippi. [...] • Closing the coverage gap is one of the most eective ways to reduce inequities in coverage and health outcomes as well as reduce inequities in delayed care and unmet need for care.
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