cover image: HUNGARIAN HEAVY INDUSTRY DECARBONISATION Policy and Financing Roadmap



4 Jul 2023

Both in the cement and in the steel sector there is a significant gap between the demand for and the supply Even though the war in Ukraine is switching the focus from of skilled workforce needed. [...] Background expert information High energy prices revealed the vulnerability of the heavy stated that most of the projects included in the Programme industry, which is likely to move the sector towards greening were already sanctioned to be financed prior to the start the mix of its energy inputs (ie. [...] The latest efforts of the EU The EU’s Emissions Trading System, which enshrines the in navigating the different trade-offs and designing a “polluter pays” principle, is a central element of European comprehensive set of policies are incorporated into the climate policy and key to achieving the EU’s climate European Green Deal.7 neutrality objective. [...] ENERGY TAXATION DIRECTIVE allowances since the establishment of the ETS, although only to a certain level of emissions, if the installations emit more than the amount of free allowances, they have to buy As part of the Fit for 55 package, the European Commission emission permits on the market. [...] The creation of the for industry focused on improving energy efficiency, standard was one of the actions of the Commission’s 2018 increasing the use of biomass and enhancing research Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth and is part and development and some pilot projects in the field of of the European Green Deal.
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