cover image: ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing


ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing

28 Jan 2024

According to Yaari (1965), the best protection for the individual against the risk of ruin is offered by the (traditional) annuity product, which provides a lifetime income stream, independent of interest rates, the lifetime of the individual and the average lifetime of the population. [...] 2 The products and the structure of the pool 2.1 The products and the related mortality assumptions The specific labels given to the several types of special-rate annuities are not the same in all markets. [...] We note that according to (3.4), the mortality rate of a risk class is affected by two sources of uncertainty: the mortality dynamics of the reference population and the het- erogeneity in the risk class. [...] In order to analyse the risk profile of the pool, we assess the ε quantiles of the present value at time 0 of the future benefits for the whole pool, PVFP0, that we denote as PVFPε0. [...] As to the coefficients zi’s in a deterministic setting and the parameters of the Gamma distribution for coefficients Zi’s in a stochastic setting, we make the assumptions summarized in Table 1, in terms of the fixed value of deterministic coeffi- cients zi’s, and the expected value and coefficient of variation of the stochastic coefficients Zi’s.
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