cover image: 10 STORM WATCH - Protecting Voters from Disinformation in the 2024 Election


10 STORM WATCH - Protecting Voters from Disinformation in the 2024 Election

5 Apr 2024

Although the mech- also gives election deniers more time to anisms existed to enforce county compliance with state law spread disinformation about the results and remove officials who refused to certify, and the results were certified, the initial refusal allowed disinformation to of the election. [...] In 2020, Trump’s campaign posted a video calling for an “army” for Trump at the polls to prevent “the Left from [adding] millions of fraudulent ballots that can cancel your vote and overturn the election,” and attempting to “enlist” Trump supporters to work in their “election security op- eration.” The militarized and violent rhetoric around this created the potential for intimidation, and was ope. [...] The goal of these voter intimidation squads is to depress the vote, especially in communities of color, and to keep narratives of “voter fraud” alive in the press. [...] False narrative: A wait for results means fraud Election deniers took advantage of the wait for election results in 2020 to spread disinformation about the out- come and undermine trust in the electoral process. [...] It is likely that election officials will face the same pressure leading up to the 2024 election and during the most critical parts of certification and the post-election process.
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United States of America