cover image: U) Port Security and Emergency Response Using Autonomous Systems: Virginia Pilot Program


U) Port Security and Emergency Response Using Autonomous Systems: Virginia Pilot Program

22 Apr 2024

The PS&ER UxS Project was launched to effort to enhance security measures in the Port of assess the potential benefits of using UxS to address Virginia while recognizing the unique public safety the security and emergency response challenges challenges maritime facilities face and the potential that come with protecting the safety and operational benefits of UxS solutions in safeguarding vital ass. [...] The summit confirmed the validity of an audience of PS&ER stakeholders in and around the previously identified pain points and challenges the Hampton Roads area of the Port of Virginia. [...] Incident Response UxS The COP platform can then process the data gathered in the field and create a comprehensive Operations real-time visualization of ongoing response Implementing the proposed cross-domain UxS activities throughout the port, environmental solution at the Port of Virginia to support public conditions, security threats, and the condition safety and emergency response operations wi. [...] To ensure that there is no damage to the submerged The Port of Virginia can deploy the ASV to verify the portions of the container ship, a UMS is deployed to integrity of the reportedly missing buoy. [...] Any because of the proximity of the vessel to the bridge of the UxS fleet’s UAS can be deployed to conduct tunnel and the structure’s vital role to the Hampton aerial assessments of the port’s roofs and structures.
port security, autonomous systems, uxs, emergency response, unmanned aircraft sy


Kasia Jaskowska, Jeff Daily, Maeve Budi, Addam Jordan, and Steven Habicht

Published in
United States of America