cover image: Mozambique – Complex Emergency & Tropical Cyclone - 3.3 2.3 1 709,529 13,700


Mozambique – Complex Emergency & Tropical Cyclone - 3.3 2.3 1 709,529 13,700

21 Mar 2024

• The negative effects of El Niño on agricultural harvests in central and southern Mozambique are expected to increase the prevalence of Crisis—IPC 3—levels of acute food insecurity between February and September in the areas. [...] The recent uptick in displacements follows a resurgence of NSAG attacks and other activity across the province, with the number of attacks reported as of mid-March, more than doubling the number of attacks reported during the previous 12 months, according to a security-focused nongovernmental organization. [...] Following increased violence in the province since late December, USAID/BHA partner the UN World Food Program (WFP) temporarily postponed activities in Chiure and Quissanga districts due to the 2 The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) is a multi-partner initiative that developed a standardized scale to classify the severity and magnitude of food insecurity. [...] USAID/BHA partners also support water IDP families in Erati chlorination and the provision of disinfection supplies and hygiene kits to District by UNICEF in March reduce the spread of cholera. [...] Beginning in July, Rwanda Defense Forces and the Southern Africa Development Community Standby Force Mission in Mozambique deployed to the region to support Government of Mozambique (GoM)-led offensives against ISIS-M enclaves and restore security in Cabo Delgado, resulting in the rapid recapture of ISIS-M-held territory, improved humanitarian access, and initial IDP returns.


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