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1 May 2024

Following presentation and discussion at the WPEB17 and WPEB18 Meetings in 2021 and 2022, the WPEB agreed to forward the draft cooperation agreement to the 25th Session of the Scientific Committee in December 2022, from where it was referred to the 27th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission in May 2023. [...] In addition, Signatories and AC Members should consider whether any other matters should be brought to the attention of the WPEB, and how best to achieve the exchange and collaboration foreseen in the Work Programme. [...] The objective of the workshop was to undertake an evaluation of existing mitigation measures for their sustainability to reduce bycatch of multiple taxa in drift/gillnet fisheries (gears) and to scope and assess the feasibility of novel or experimental measures being developed for this purpose in the Indian Ocean. [...] Specifically, the workshop explored a suite of options, a mitigation toolbox, for reducing the bycatch of sharks and rays, cetaceans, sea turtles among other species, and allowing for a robust exchange of information on the results of the trials being undertaken in other parts of the world for small-scale and large-scale gillnet fisheries. [...] Action requested of MOS9: • Review the recommendations for input to IOTC processes and decide whether these are adequately reflected in the draft Work Programme 2024-2028 (Doc.7.1) • Review the recommendation to prepare a review of the potential for collaboration with SIOFA, CCSBT and WCPFC and decide whether these are adequately reflected in the draft Work Programme 2024-2028 5 .


Ximena Cancino

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