cover image: The Inequalities- Environment Nexus - Tools for Catalyzing a Just Transition


The Inequalities- Environment Nexus - Tools for Catalyzing a Just Transition

16 Apr 2024

This work is a part of a collaborative effort between the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies hosted at the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University (NYU), the International Climate Initiative for a Just Energy Transition (IKI JET) by the German Agency of International Cooperation (GIZ), and the Ministry of Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesi. [...] The process of planning and executing a transition presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ensure the movement towards an environmentally sustainable and climate-safe future that benefits society as a whole and occurs in a just and equitable manner. [...] Tools for Catalyzing a Just Transition A Handbook for Policymakers 21 PART II Frameworks to Catalyze a Just Transition A Handbook for Policymakers Tools for Catalyzing a Just Transition 22 In the quest to transition to a green, job-rich, and inclusive economy, just green transition strategies stand to benefit from a holistic approach where every climate policy has the potential to be a social just. [...] The quality and accuracy of the data are critical for the reliability of the analysis and modeling based on SAMs. [...] The characteristics of workers in informal activities are often different to those in the formal sector—whether it is because of the size of the businesses, the access to social protection programs, or the capacity for taxation.
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United States of America