cover image: G7 Global Objectives Report 2023


G7 Global Objectives Report 2023

14 Feb 2024

This report provides inequitable in many countries, to the a number of examples of how extent that children from the richest government target setting and households receive 8.9 times the programming can focus both on OOS amount of public education spending girls and foundational learning in a compared to children from the cohesive manner. [...] Of the 55 countries, 87% set a target for out of degrees of gender inequality can be as measures of seen through the Global Objectives for gender equality.”school children and 73% set a target for children meeting the minimum reading girls’ attendance and reading proficiency, proficiency by the end of primary school. [...] (a reduction of 8m is (Given the increase in total committed required each year) number of OOS girls between to these 2021 and 2022, a reduction of approximately 10.5m girls is now Objectives, required each year in order to the SDGs reach the target of 65m OOS and gender girls by 2026) equality, more broadly.” Objective Two: 20m more 2021= 79m girls reading N/A girls reading by the end of 2022 = 8. [...] • Last year, only 28 out of 82 countries had reading data, which demonstrated that in a majority of the countries (20 of the 28), less than 50% of girls and boys were meeting the minimum reading proficiency at the end of primary. [...] out of 31) have less than 50% of girls/boys In 20 of the 28 countries, less than 50% of meeting a low/basic proficiency at the girls and boys were meeting the minimum end of primary, which entails being able to reading proficiency at the end of primary.
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United States of America