cover image: Agricultural War Damages, Losses, and Needs Review - Roman Neyter Sergiy Zorya

Agricultural War Damages, Losses, and Needs Review - Roman Neyter Sergiy Zorya

18 Mar 2024

The assessment of the consequences of war-induced productivity change in the livestock sector is subject to further revisions in the next version of the estimates, contingent upon the availability of reliable data. [...] Based on the similarities in terms of the share of the region affected by the active hostilities and the duration of the hostilities, we are using the estimates for the Kharkiv region as a proxy for the Donetsk region and estimates from the Kyiv region - as a proxy for the Mykolaiv region. [...] In RDNA2, the damage coefficients for these categories were estimated as the share of these assets damaged in the Kharkiv region, adjusted for the differences in the share in areas under the occupation. [...] To distinguish the decrease in the number of heads due to the damages and the decrease due to the forced slaughter, we use the results of the FAO survey for each type of livestock asset. [...] For the 2023 annual crop losses, we estimated the change in the sowing area, compared to the 2021 calendar year, using the official information on the sowing areas for winter crops sown in the 2022 calendar year and spring crops sown in the 2023 calendar year.

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