cover image: Study on radio spectrum policy programme :Taking stock and discussing future scenarios : executive summary


Study on radio spectrum policy programme :Taking stock and discussing future scenarios : executive summary

17 Apr 2024

The European Commission intends to revise the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP) Decision to enhance the EU sovereignty in radio spectrum management, foster the single market perspective and further promote the efficient use of radio spectrum, including addressing future spectrum needs. In accordance with the Better Regulation Guidelines, a comprehensive impact assessment is required to accompany this initiative. In this context, the study involves: - describing the current status of application of the RSPP Decision. This involves collecting information, evaluating completed actions, identifying obsolete provisions, and assessing the ongoing relevance of key objectives and principles. - identifying and describing problems, refining objectives, establishing a baseline scenario, formulating policy options, and assessing their potential impacts, costs, and benefits. The assessment incorporates both quantitative and qualitative analyses, aligning with the Better Regulation Guidelines. - outlining arrangements for post-implementation monitoring and evaluation, ensuring the policy's intended results are achieved. The study aims to accompany policymakers with a comprehensive and informed basis for decision-making in the dynamic field of radio spectrum management within the European Union. The overarching objective is to facilitate the European Commission's preparation of a thorough impact assessment accompanying this initiative, with a particular emphasis on reinforcing the governance of radio spectrum and enhancing the single market perspective.
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Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission, LS Telcom, PolicyTracker, VVA

Catalogue number
European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Study on radio spectrum policy programme – Taking stock and discussing future scenarios – Executive summary , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Catalogue number KK-03-23-349-EN-N
Published in
Information technology and telecommunications

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