cover image: CAFÉ EUROPE  - Of patriarchs and rebels “C


CAFÉ EUROPE - Of patriarchs and rebels “C

12 Mar 2024

In the end, the court acquitted everyone, unable to establish a link between the smear campaign in the media and the threats she had received. [...] The government issued a statement in support of freedom of expression and the rights and freedoms of all people in Kosovo. [...] Besa got a master’s degree in journalism and magazine writing from the Graduate School of Journalism of the University of Missouri. [...] I became obsessed with the idea of starting a magazine where I talk about ordinary people and to which ordinary people contribute.” What have Jeta and Besa achieved? While Jeta fuelled the discussion about corruption, and some of the cases she reported on led to indictments, the rule of law remains weak in Kosovo. [...] The debate did, however, prompt the Kosovo government to establish an inter-ministerial National Advisory and Coordination Group for the rights of the LGBT community.


Kristof Bender

Published in
Bosnia and Herzegovina