cover image: The Honorable Rogers The Honorable Matt Cartwright


The Honorable Rogers The Honorable Matt Cartwright

1 May 2024

Its data are used by federal, state and local government to inform economic and fiscal policy and to spur economic growth and job creation and informing academic and applied economic research and research training activities. [...] The requested amount for BEA would allow it to (i) improve its coverage of its highly watched and influential National Economic Accounts, including national GDP, GDP by industry, and GDP satellite accounts such as outdoor recreation; (ii) better cover the economic activity of the United States with other countries through U. [...] The requested level would support development of the National Secure Data Service to leverage government data to support evidence-based policymaking and a new program to “systematically measure the contribution of environmental-economic activities to U. [...] economic growth, employment, incomes, and productivity”.1 Having lost 12 percent in purchasing power since FY16 and a ten percent decrease in staff size, the increase requested here would help BEA to maintain the staff necessary for BEA to continue to produce its many products. [...] This investment in our information infrastructure—small relative to our multi-trillion-dollar economy which it tracks— allows BEA to keep up with the changes in our economy and will repay the public many times over.


Pierson, Steve

Published in
United States of America