cover image: Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program Fact Sheet


Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) Program Fact Sheet

26 Feb 2024

Key Funding Criteria: Based on the FY23 NOFO, applicants can expect to be evaluated on the project’s impact on equitable redevelopment, environmental justice, new, context-specific, and improved safe mobility and access, the suitability of facility selection, community engagement and stewardship, equitable restoration, and workforce development and economic opportunity. [...] Opportunities for Climate and Racial Wealth Equity: RCN grants are intended to redress the legacy of harm caused by transportation infrastructure, including barriers to opportunity, displacement, damage to the environment and public health, and other hardships. [...] In pursuit of this goal, and based on the FY23 NOFO, the activities should support and engage economically disadvantaged communities to increase affordable, accessible, and multimodal access to daily destinations like jobs, healthcare, grocery stores, schools, places of worship, recreation, and park space. [...] Replacement of an eligible facility with a new facility that restores community connectivity and is sensitive to the context of the surrounding community. [...] Preliminary and detailed design activities and associated environmental studies; predevelopment / preconstruction; permitting activities including the completion of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process; delivering community benefits and the mitigation of impacts identified through the NEPA process or other planning and project development for the capital construction project.


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United States of America