cover image: Briefing Policy - Inclusive urban solutions: city pointers - actors engaging with displaced


Briefing Policy - Inclusive urban solutions: city pointers - actors engaging with displaced

15 Apr 2024

But efforts to improve participation are for inclusion Participatory Forums are often short-lived and tokenistic, limiting the Numerous studies highlight the importance of continuing, allowing for a sustainability of positive outcomes for displaced sustained and more city government leadership on solutions to urban people and host cities. [...] For example, the grantees using funding to target economic in times of crisis is mayor of Zahle in Lebanon inclusion initiatives.12 The GCF has shown that essential acquired international funds to collaboration between city governments, support Syrian refugees and displaced communities and international actors chose not to enforce the can create more inclusive policies and restrictive refugee curf. [...] (and international) policies.”8 Through the PFs, and with our partners, we Discussion with displaced communities in times sought to bridge divides between government of crisis is essential; this has proved to be the authorities, humanitarian and development case in Jalalabad, a city that has seen a decline in actors, academia, and displaced communities. [...] 2020, but in 2022, only 1.2% of international funding went directly to local and national actors.15 Conclusion The International Institute for Environment and Data on the nature and scale of displacement can To sustain inclusive engagement on urban Development (IIED) help cities make the case nationally and displacement, we believe that cities should lead, promotes sustainable internationally for. [...] Bringing these together to identify refugees and IDPs to be involved as city mayors for mayors to common trends and priorities and making the residents and contributors to the city.
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United Kingdom