cover image: An Exploration of Options and Opportunities for the San Joaquin Valley’s


An Exploration of Options and Opportunities for the San Joaquin Valley’s

22 Apr 2024

development of innovative policy and financing • Making efforts now to attract manufacturing and mechanisms, and strong coordination between the adjacent services to support local and national Valley and with state agencies such as the California climate-friendly infrastructure will allow the Energy Commission (CEC), and the Department region to reap the maximum economic benefits. [...] An Exploration of Options and Opportunities for the San Joaquin Valley’s Clean Energy Future 5 Summary of Report Recommendations The recommendations detailed in the report and summarized below identify actions that local, state, and commercial entities could take to achieve the ambitions of the SJV and create a supportive environment for the clean energy transition. [...] An Exploration of Options and Opportunities for the San Joaquin Valley’s Clean Energy Future 11 SJV Clean Energy Vision Statement and Objectives The clean energy vision statement and objectives detailed below put the economic development opportunities of the clean energy transition at its core while ensuring authentic community engagement and lasting environmental and social benefits. [...] An Exploration of Options and Opportunities for the San Joaquin Valley’s Clean Energy Future 18 Recommendations for Combined Local and State Action Include key state and federal representatives who Continue investing in structured conversations can work in service of and help facilitate the local with state and local representatives to explore and or regional clean energy conversations. [...] There establish a regulatory framework for CBAs are capacity and funding challenges, but across the valley to provide clarification of this approach is superior to the developer the project’s costs and certainty about the controlling the “table” and fundamental to process, participants, and feasible monetary securing the desired outcomes.
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United States of America