cover image: A Vision for the EU Net-Zero Transition - Transforming EU economy for climate neutrality - policy recommendations


A Vision for the EU Net-Zero Transition - Transforming EU economy for climate neutrality - policy recommendations

29 Mar 2024

The invasion of Ukraine, the subsequent energy crisis, the shortage risks for raw materials, and the limits of the supply chains needed to deliver the clean technologies are key challenges to address to reach climate neutrality. [...] The European Commission anticipates into the EU should not take place at the expense of the up to 65% of share of electricity in the final energy decarbonisation of other parts of the world that face consumption. [...] As a founder of the Pledge, ■ and one of the world’s climate leaders on the path Use the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to to climate neutrality, the European Commission’s incentivise methane emissions reduction and leadership in driving the pledge’s success will be implement good practices and technologies to critical, and the EU should strive to meet at least a 30% reduce methane emissions fro. [...] Regulation, the first rules in the EU on reducing in the energy sector, which include measures for domestic The agreement of the Methane Regulation is just the producers on leak detection and repair (LDAR), start, however, and leadership from the EU institutions venting and flaring of methane, and annual monitoring will be essential in the coming months to ensure its and reporting of emissions. [...] The chart below the level of the producer, the methane intensity of illustrates the varying estimated emissions intensities oil, gas and coal placed on the EU market, and the of imported gas to the EU, where Norway and the methodology setting out the maximum methane United Kingdom are currently the only suppliers below intensity values.
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United States of America