cover image: Public Participation in the Updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)


Public Participation in the Updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)

8 Apr 2024

In particular, the assessment regretted the lack of details and communication channels to reach the public on the issue, the lack of reasonable timeframes to enable the public to express their views and that most draft plans did not include the summary of the public’s views and how they were considered. [...] Throughout the updating process, the Czech Government has been publishing NECP-related announcements through the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in the form of press releases.6 The Government also uploaded a version of the NECP draft to the website, in the section “Strategic and Conceptual Documents”. [...] The results were published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Government promised further consultations ahead of the final NECP deadline, when an updated version of the draft would have been already published. [...] The revised NECP following the public consultation and the Commission’s comments will be submitted to the EU for re- consultation before the approval of the Government. [...] The announcement on the public consultation was published on the website of the Ministry of Energy in the section “About us,” and not in the section dedicated to public transparency.
Published in
United States of America