cover image: Monday15January,2024   DearPartyLeaders,  Notonlyishealththeforemostconcernofindividuals,communitiesandbusinesses,


Monday15January,2024 DearPartyLeaders, Notonlyishealththeforemostconcernofindividuals,communitiesandbusinesses,

15 Jan 2024

While healthcare is important in treating ill health, the causes of ill health lie in the conditions in which people are born, grow, live work and age – tragically these conditions have deteriorated and resulted in worse health and shorter lives. [...] Austerity and regressive funding cuts harmed health and worsened health inequalities well before the COVID-19 pandemic. [...] We know what to do to tackle health inequalities and it is proving effective, even in the face of rising poverty and financial cuts. [...] As most of our health is determined by our social circumstances, health equity and well-being must be put at the heart of all policies: • Develop a national health inequalities strategy for action based on the following eight objectives: 1. [...] • Ensure every place and local government in the UK is set up and funded to prioritise equity of health and well-being.
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United Kingdom