cover image: doi: 10.20991/allazimuth.1477123 All Azimuth V0, N0, 2024, 1-21


doi: 10.20991/allazimuth.1477123 All Azimuth V0, N0, 2024, 1-21

3 May 2024

For the urban poor, the recompense for allegiance to such elites is the promise of amelioration of their means of survival in the urban environment. [...] Thus, if the summation takes the value of 3, this indicates that the respondent could neither afford food, medical care, nor clothing at some point one year prior to the time of the survey.52 The value of 0 means that the respondent had no trouble affording any of the said items of basic subsistence. [...] Assessing the Country Sensitivity of the Interaction in Model 3 To better make sense of the three-way interaction, I first obtain the average-over-the- sample predictions of anti-Americanism scores across all simulated values of the constituents of the three-way interaction. [...] The second step in understanding the nature of the interaction involves calculating changes in the marginal effect of a constituent on the outcome variable across the simulated values of other terms in the interaction.67 In that regard, I calculate how the marginal effect of the urban variable on anti-Americanism changes across the simulated values of poverty and contract-poverty. [...] Finally, I retest the statistical models of Table 3 by creating a sample from the Pew 2002 Global Attitudes Survey and append it to the present Pew 2013.74 Since Pew 2002 is the sample that Mousseau used to investigate the implications of the ENT in the case of support for suicide bombing among Muslims, a reasonable robustness check is to see if the same dataset presents evidence in favor of the p.
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