cover image: Considering Section C in the monitoring framework - The GBF  is to be understood, acted upon, implemented, reported and evaluated,


Considering Section C in the monitoring framework - The GBF is to be understood, acted upon, implemented, reported and evaluated,

11 May 2024

Tiffany Straza Considering Section C in the monitoring framework Guidance on monitoring Section C • How can we use the GBF’s Monitoring Framework, with its indicators and disaggregation, to assess our global progress on considerations in Section C? • How can we assess alignment of (national) implementation of the Framework with Section C? Elements of Section C are referred in. [...] Tiffany Straza Considering Section C in the monitoring framework SBSTTA/26/2 Annex 2 Table 2 Issues in section C related to monitoring framework Considering Section C in the monitoring framework SBSTTA/26/2 Annex 1 Disaggregation of the headline indicators Considering Section C in the monitoring framework What does Section C mean for i. [...] Contributions and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) Indicators important for people in relation to biodiversity Include the four traditional knowledge indicators*important and pertinent for IPLCs Developed under the Article 8j process and as part of the Joint Programme of Work on the Links Between Biological and Cultural Diversity Slides provided by: Ms. [...] Which are the priorities and opportunities for achieving the implementation of the GBF monitoring framework? 17 Building capacity and improving data 18 Slide 1: Considering Section C in the monitoring framework Slide 2: Considering Section C in the monitoring framework Slide 3: Considering Section C in the monitoring framework Slide 4: Considering Section. [...] Ecosystem approach) Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13: Considering Section C in the monitoring framework Slide 14: Building capacity and improving data Slide 15: Considerations for implementing Section C of the GBF Slide 16 Slide 17: Building capacity and improving data Slide 18: Building capacity and improving data.



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