cover image: Outcomes of the broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of the most recent technological


Outcomes of the broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessment of the most recent technological

11 May 2024

Introduction and background • Synthetic biology: umbrella term covering diverse developments in the life sciences • More than a decade of discussion on potential positive and negative implications for the CBD • Decision XI/11 • Decision XII/24 • Decision XIII/17 • Decision 14/19 • Decision 15/31 • 3 previous AHTEGs (2015-2016; 2017-2018; 2019-2020) • Parallel processes on aspects of synbio under I. [...] Methodology for the 2023–2024 intersessional period • Virtual meeting 10-12 October 2023 • Proceed with 37 items • Indicative preferencing • Assignment of score from 1 – 1000 based on: • Potential impacts on objective of Convention • Relevance to Parties • Urgency • Z-scores were calculated and results distributed • 17 items received positive Z-scores • 17 items would make up the prioritized list. [...] Methodology for the 2023–2024 intersessional period • Submissions of information (Nov 2023) • Further information gathering on 12 trends and issues for less detailed assessment • Open-ended online forum (Nov 2023) • Further information gathering on 5 trends and issues for more detailed assessment • Information was compiled, organized and synthesized by the Secretariat (INF doc for the meeting of t. [...] Capacity-building, technology transfer and knowledge-sharing (Annex II) • Options were developed independently from other processes • 11 options for capacity-building • 11 options for technology transfer Table of options in Annex II • 13 options for knowledge-sharing • Supporting the development of bioeconomies in developing countries could contribute to the objectives of the Convention • Need to. [...] Review of process (Annex III) Information gathering • Elements for improving the process for horizon scanning B) Compilation, organization and synthesis of information • Two phases (B1 + B2) Organization, compilation and • Peer review is important for literature review B1 synthesis of information • Timely and effective compilation • Synthesizing information should be aligned with overall Screening.


Rhea Lahoud

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