cover image: Colombia Residents Migrants and refugees 1.6M2.9M 9.4M 6.9M  2.5M


Colombia Residents Migrants and refugees 1.6M2.9M 9.4M 6.9M 2.5M

24 Apr 2024

Residents Migrants and refugees PEAK 2023 (NOVEMBER–DECEMBER) PEAK 2023 (JUNE–AUGUST 2022) 1.6M people or 3% of the analysed resident population faced 2.9M people or 62% of the analysed population faced high severe levels of acute food insecurity based on the WFP CARI. [...] The severity of food insecurity was higher in rural areas and particularly in the departments of La Guajira, Sucre, Caquetá, Córboda, Arauca and Putumayo, Colombia hosts a large number of migrants and refugees from neighbouring mostly due to low incomes and high vulnerability to weather extremes. [...] Around 73 percent of pendular and in-transit migrants faced high Meanwhile, the number of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity is levels of acute food insecurity compared with about 52 percent of migrants higher in urban areas reflecting population density. [...] History of the food crisis The resident population of Colombia was first History of the food crisis Colombia (migrants and refugees) has been identified as facing a food crisis in GRFC 2023 but only in GRFC 2024 have included in all editions since the GRFC 2019, but data did not meet available data met the technical requirements of the GRFC partnership. [...] Armed groups Economic shocks The acute was expected to bolster food 2.9 million highly likely to be affected their consumption of nutritious food, increasingly targeted civilians in food insecurity of migrants supplies in a country that is highly by the effects of drought and losses and leading to negative coping 2023 in Colombia’s border and refugees is intrinsically linked to reliant on food imp.
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