cover image: International Bar Association - Guidelines and Regulations to Provide Insights on Public Policies


International Bar Association - Guidelines and Regulations to Provide Insights on Public Policies

12 Apr 2024

The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed are the product of the work of the participant firms in their jurisdictions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other participant firms, their governments, the Coordinator or the IBA. [...] In 2019, at the recommendation of the Group, the 2019 Meeting of the High Contract Parties to the CCW adopted 11 guiding principles on LAWs.32 These principles: affirm the applicability of international law – including international humanitarian law – to the development, acquisition, and deployment of LAWs; highlight the need to consider the risks of proliferation, including acquisition by terrori. [...] If the importer finds that the creator/provider of the high-risk AI system is non-compliant, they must refuse to place the system into the market and, where there is a risk that this AI will be introduced to the market even if the importer refuses to do so, the importer must inform the AI provider and the market authorities. [...] The adoption of the AHRC’s recommendations for the introduction of specific legislation governing the use of AI would signal a change in the approach to the regulation of AI and other emerging technologies that has been adopted in Australia to date. [...] The Committee’s objective is to assist the CNJ in the construction of data access policies that balance the demands of transparency and technological development, on the one hand, and, on the other, the need to protect the data of individuals mentioned in the context of court documents, establishing standards and technical and administrative measures for appropriate processing of judicial data.101.
Published in
United Kingdom