cover image: Sweden - 1. What is the understanding or definition of AI in your jurisdiction?


Sweden - 1. What is the understanding or definition of AI in your jurisdiction?

12 Apr 2024

We note, however, that as the Commission’s AI Act proposal will be subject to negotiations with the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, the definition of the term AI may be subject to change. [...] In the beginning of 2021, the Swedish state research institute RISE issued 25 recommendations for the increased adoption of AI in Sweden as part of its ‘AI Agenda for Sweden’ (the ‘AI Agenda’).325 The many legal challenges of AI technology are also discussed in the AI Agenda, with the proposal stating that laws need to be modernised and adapted to the new reality where AI is a normal part of socie. [...] The fine was issued on the grounds that the Swedish Police Authority: (1) had processed biometric data in breach of the Swedish Criminal Data Act (Brottsdatalagen); (2) had not implemented appropriate technical and organisational 328 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal. [...] These include the Regulation on a framework for the free flow of non- personal data in the EU,332 the Open Data Directive, the DSM Directive and Payments Services Directive (PSD2), and the proposed Data Act.333 The European Commission’s data strategy may provide further insights into planned EU legislative initiatives.334 Improving access to data relating to AI is important to the Swedish Governme. [...] Are there already actual court decisions on the provision of legal services using AI or decisions concerning other sectors that might be applicable to the use of AI in the provision of legal services? To the authors’ knowledge, there are not yet any legal cases in Sweden regarding the provision of legal services or other sectors of relevance related to the use of AI.
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