cover image: India - 1. What is the understanding or definition of AI in your jurisdiction? 2. In your jurisdiction, besides legal tech tools (ie, law firm or


India - 1. What is the understanding or definition of AI in your jurisdiction? 2. In your jurisdiction, besides legal tech tools (ie, law firm or

12 Apr 2024

What is the understanding or definition of AI in your jurisdiction? The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and the way it is understood in India is fluid, and still expanding. [...] Niti Aayog, the policy ‘think tank’ of the Government of India, providing directional and policy inputs, also explains AI in the discussion paper titled ‘National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence’ (the ‘Discussion Paper’).246 According to the Discussion Paper, AI refers to the ability to perform cognitive tasks, like thinking, perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision-making; a techno. [...] Are there already actual court decisions on the provision of legal services using AI or decisions concerning other sectors that might be applicable to the use of AI in the provision of legal services? Not yet; there are no court decisions on the above premise. [...] What is the current status – planned, discussed or implemented – of the sectorial legislation in your jurisdiction on the use of AI in the legal profession or services that are traditionally being rendered by lawyers? The use of AI in the legal profession is not regulated in India. [...] What is the role of the national bar organisations or other official professional institutions? The Indian Bar Association is not currently involved in the promotion of AI in the legal profession.
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