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AMO Board of Directors - 2024 Election Guide

18 Apr 2024

Board members have a legal responsibility to manage the business and affairs of the corporation and must act in the best interests of the association. [...] Purpose The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to: • Establish guidelines for the ethical and interpersonal standards of conduct for the Association’s Directors • Assist the Directors in circumstances pertaining to role clarity and behaviour • Establish a consistent practice for communicating decisions of the Board. [...] If the behaviour persists, the Chair has 6 AMO Board of Directors Election Guide the authority to ask the member to leave the meeting. [...] If there is a pecuniary interest, the Board member • Must disclose the general nature of the pecuniary interest prior to any discussion of the matter, and • Abstain from voting on any question relating to the matter, and • Abstain from discussion of the matter, and • Leave the room where the meeting is being held until discussion and voting on the matter are concluded. [...] Adherence to the Code, Act and Board Procedures Each member shall: • Sign and adhere to all aspects of the Code of Conduct Policy • Adhere to the requirements of AMO’s By-law, which sets out “disqualification of Board Members”.
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