cover image: The Aspirations and Economics of the New Jersey Energy Master Plan - A REPORT FOR THE GARDEN STATE �N�T�AT�VE


The Aspirations and Economics of the New Jersey Energy Master Plan - A REPORT FOR THE GARDEN STATE �N�T�AT�VE

30 Apr 2024

49 THE ASPIRATIONS AND ECONOMICS OF THE NEW JERSEY ENERGY MASTER PLAN 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Executive Summary The New Jersey Energy Master Plan (EMP) in its previous and anticipated forms proposes that the state can soon produce all the electricity needed using mainly wind and solar technologies and achieve near-universal electrification of vehicles as well as the heating/cooling of homes and build-. [...] 6 THE ASPIRATIONS AND ECONOMICS OF THE NEW JERSEY ENERGY MASTER PLAN digital devices and hardware requires, on average, about 1,000 times more energy per pound than do the products that dominated the early 20th century.2 Historically, the energy costs of manufac- turing a product roughly tracked the weight of the thing produced. [...] 26 THE ASPIRATIONS AND ECONOMICS OF THE NEW JERSEY ENERGY MASTER PLAN Germany provides an instructive example of the challenges in the pursuit of a “decarbonized ener- gy system” wherein the primary focus has been and will continue to be on the electric sector. [...] THE ASPIRATIONS AND ECONOMICS OF THE NEW JERSEY ENERGY MASTER PLAN 45 FGURE 33: DSTRBUTON OF GASOLNE CONSUMPTON Sources: Coltura 2021 per Cembalest Eye of the Market, 2022 Conclusion As we noted at the outset of this report, the scientific domains regarding the study of and forecasts about the planet’s climate are entirely different than those associated with the technologies un- derlying society’. [...] To put it simplistically, the aircraft did not emerge because of taxes on or the prohibition of the use of ships; the same can be said about the car and the horse-and-buggy, and of course essentially all other foundational innovations.
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