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SSindoh D3324041812070

18 Apr 2024

SSindoh D3324041812070 A MINORITY RIGHTS GROUP SOVIET UPDATE • BY DR JOHN RUSSELL As the Soviet Union in the Gorbachev era attempts to territorial autonomy, the Greeks and Kurds the come to grips with its past, one of the darkest pages of establishment of autonomous territories in the south of the country's history remains the deportation to the Ukrainian and Russian republics respectively, and Ce. [...] By the autumn of combined with the process of re- unification in 1988, the teaching of the Tatar language had begun in a Germany has prompted many thousands of Volga number of Crimean schools and, in the sumrrrer of 1989, Germans to emigrate to the Federal Republic. [...] appear to facilitate the resettlement of the Tatars, The publication of the CPSU's new nationalities' whereas the upsurge of Georgian nationalism would policy in August 1989 and the establishment of a State seem to represent a further obstacle to the Turks. [...] In May 1990, the State Commission announced that it True, the plight of the Kurds in neighbouring countries favoured the resettlement of all Crimean Tatars in the has made the West aware of the minority in the USSR, Crimea within the period 1991-96. [...] In July 1989, an All- frustration at the lack of tangible progress towards the Union Society of Soviet Greeks was formed and the re-establishment of territorial autonomy (such as the election of one of its activists, the economist Gavriil anti-German demonstrations in Saratov pn the Volga, Popov, as Mayor of Moscow in April 1990 raised the and also in Kazakhstan, by indigenous peoples profile of t.
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