

18 Apr 2024

At the same time, 'intergroup' behaviour contribute, in their turn, to the as the political and social changes which recently occurred present and the future of the r~lations between the groups; in Canada gather momentum, the problems of the English- and so it goes on. [...] the absence of of life within the existing situation, and they may even be realistic alternative conceptions of the social order) is one accepted and highly respected by some members of the important foundation of the various patterns of acceptance majority, this does not affect the position of their group by the minority. [...] In this case, as in the case of the minorities must depend upon the conviction, growing at least which see the system as illegitimate but extremely stable, a amongst some members of the minority, that some cracks conception of the illegitimacy of the situation will continue are visible in the edifice of impenetrable social layers, and to exert its powerful influence on actions, attitudes, beliefs. [...] group in the system of values and the network of stereo- types of the society at large create a degree of acceptance by the minority of its deleterious image; at the same time, But it remains true that, fundamentally , this internal some measure of protection is offered by the social and minority protection of individual self-respect is yet another cultural links surviving within the group. [...] (c) Patterns of rejection There is little doubt that personal problems of worth, dignity and self-respect involved in being a member of a minority, The focus of much of the previous discussion was on the effects that the psychological status of minorities has on and shared with others who are in the same situation, are an the ideas of personal worth and dignity, on the self-image important ingredi.
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United Kingdom