cover image: Environmentalism in a time between education worlds - Re-framing the campaigning role of England’s


Environmentalism in a time between education worlds - Re-framing the campaigning role of England’s

26 Apr 2024

It is a blunt oversimplification to say it but, the education system would This is not a fringe view in the environmental sector, recognition of the have likely reached this inflection point with or without the climate and need for radical systems change – in education and beyond – is ecological crisis. [...] The evidence clearly shows that these definitively against age-grading, he cites it as a cause of ‘even the main one’ of the non-radical approaches are taking the planet to the brink of growth of youth cultures and fashions, with huge pressures to peer disaster.14,15,16,17 conformity that are often the source of so much distress. [...] In the role of ‘first mate’ alongside the captains who are setting the course of the third great post-WWII era of education, we must communicate to them the reality and urgency of climate crisis. [...] They might know, for example, the capital cities of For example, in Primary school, according to the National Curriculum, Europe, the Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom, the basic children should ‘become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and workings of the human body, and the plot of at least one of William other art, craft and design techniques;’ 9 in secondary school, pupils Shakes. [...] For all the rhetoric about choice and autonomy – and there is plenty of In 2015, the highly influential Schools Minister, Nick Gibb MP, described rhetoric15 – the education system in England is still centrally controlled.* the education system’s purpose like this: ‘Education is the engine of our So, in a system that is ever more centrally controlled, the short (and economy, it is the foundation of.
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United Kingdom