cover image: CBD - Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice


CBD - Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

5 Apr 2024

76: CBD 2015 EN Canada Integrated Coastal Management for the en.pdf Achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Practical Guidance for Implementation based on Experience and Lessons Learned from Coastal and Ocean Governance in the Seas of East Asia 1 CBD Technical Series No. [...] 68: Marine CBD 2012 EN Canada Spatial Planning in the Context of the en.pdf CBD 1, 4 UNEP/CBD/COP/11/23, part I: CBD 2012 EN Canada Voluntary guidelines for the 11/official/cop-11-23-en.pdf consideration of biodiversity in environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in marine and coastal areas and part II: Draft. [...] Patterns CBD 2005 EN Canada of Species Richness in the High Seas 4 Global Taxonomy Initiative - CBD 2002 EN Canada Programme of Work 4 Agricultural Biodiversity - Programme CBD 2000 EN Canada of Work 5 CBD COP/DEC/VII/11 Ecosystem CBD 2004 EN Cana. [...] 12: CBD 2004 EN Canada Solutions for sustainable mariculture - avoiding the adverse effects of mariculture on biological diversity 11 Decision VIII/23: Annex International CBD 2006 EN Canada Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity 11 CBD decision V/6: Ecosystem CBD 2000 EN htt. [...] English.pdf Convention 7 Plans and reports prepared by the Secretariat of EN Secretariat of the Open-ended Scientific Group the Minamata work-and-submissions-cop-5#sec1565 Minamata Convention Convention 7 Guidance on monitoring mercury and Secretariat of 2021 EN Secretariat of the mercury compoun.


Karci Aldridge Vegi

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