cover image: ANNUAL REPORT 2023 1



4 Apr 2024

That conference - and the 26 conferences that followed - helped to spread the principles of harm reduction, share knowledge and experience, and build networks of harm reduction practitioners and activists working for health and justice. [...] We track the death penalty, use this data to inform advocacy to hold governments to account at the international level, and lead work revealing the disproportionate impact of the death penalty on women and foreign nationals. [...] Our advocacy places human rights at the centre of a harm reduction approach to drug laws and policies, recognising that punitive laws and policies are detrimental to health and safety, and the realisation of human rights for all. [...] In the years between the full report, we undertake a key data update to ensure that advocates and international agencies are equipped with the most up to date information on harm reduction services and policy around the world. [...] As part of our work to connect the dots between the international and national levels, we supported efforts to strengthen and scale up harm reduction programmes in Bangladesh, Mauritius and Nigeria, via a strategic initiative by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for technical assistance.
Published in
United Kingdom