Power in Unity - Doubling electricity interconnection can boost Europe’s green transition and strengthen security of supply


Power in Unity - Doubling electricity interconnection can boost Europe’s green transition and strengthen security of supply

13 Jul 2023

Otherwise, this risks becoming a bottleneck for the expansion of wind and solar power, and a missed opportunity to improve security of supply and reduce costs for consumers. [...] The importance of interconnectors for capturing benefits on costs, flexibility and reliability is supported by numerous studies and models, including the Paris Agreement Compatible (PAC) scenario, developed by the Climate Action Network and the European Environmental Bureau, Ember’s New Generation study on least-cost power system decarbonisation, and ENTSO-E’s own System Needs Study. [...] In particular, these include: y The triangle between Austria, Hungary and Slovenia y The line from Spain to France to Germany y Links between the UK and France, and the UK and Ireland y Links between Western Balkan countries and with their neighbours, such as between between Greece and North Macedonia . [...] Political support to accelerate existing interconnection projects: The most efficient and cost-effective option is to deliver the additional 22 GW of interconnection which is already in the pipeline. [...] Given that the speed and scale of renewables deployment required to achieve European energy goals will already require enormous political determination and push planning processes to the limit, increasing the scale of renewable capacity needed could make this the most challenging option to deliver.
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